You won't be able to test your new architecture on prod until whole thing is migrated. In this training for advanced Angular developers, you will learn how to scale your large Angular solutions with the Micro Frontend approach. 10 Most Popular Frameworks for Building RESTful APIs, 15 Best Practices on API Security for Developers, Multi-Tenant Architecture for a SaaS Application on AWS, How to Build Micro Frontend Based on Angular. Step 2: Create a new project ({project-name}-wc-feature), When the terminal asks us, Would you like to add Angular routing? we choose No., Step 3: Add the @angular/elements and ngx-build-plus. But first let's discuss what microfrontends and module federation is all about. Now that youve added the Okta libraries to the micro-frontend host, you need to also add them to the remotes that consume the dependencies. Together with his team, he looks after customers in the entire German language area. Step 5: Run the command to generate the build. Basically, Web Components need 4 specifications: Modern Javascript frameworks offer some solutions to easily create a web component, using a custom element, leveraging all the framework features, and creating small business-oriented apps. Your routes array should look like this. We can set up the minimum required version, is allowed two or more versions for one package, etc. First of all, we need to create utils for module federation, where we can load remote modules from other apps. When the Application becomes larger, the initial loading time of the application also increases, and the Waiting scenario does not give a good impression to the end user. Your First Angular Microfrontend This is a step by step guide on how to create a simple angular application that consumes modules of another application at runtime. This communication interface provides us with clean, cross-platform communication between the web components for different technologies. Also, considering the limitations of the Angular Framework support to Micro Frontends. Upon request, we create a prototype based on your existing code base that illustrates the switch to micro frontends. Cant wait to learn more? code of conduct because it is harassing, offensive or spammy. Click the Basket button to navigate to a new route that displays the BasketModule in the mfe-basket application. Join the DZone community and get the full member experience. There are many ways to Implement Microfrontend Architecture, below are the most common ways mentioned: Many libraries are there to implement Angular Micro Frontend Architecture, below are the some of popular libraries: This library does not need to change existing code Or logic, It needs some wrapping code/config to enable Microfrontend Architecture. I hereby agree that software architect can process my email address for the purpose of sending the newsletter. The @shared syntax might look a little unusual to you. It is challenging to work with various versions at the same time. Step 10: Now we have two web components. Youll follow the same pattern as the @angular libraries already in the list and add the singleton instances of the two Okta libraries as shown in this snippet: When you create a library within this project, like the basket service and project service in the starter code, you add the library to the sharedMappings array at the top of the webpack.config.js file. A micro-frontend architecture offers a more manageable, independent, and maintainable code. We at Halodoc, have fully embraced Microservices architecture in order to overcome the limitations of monolithic backends. Each team is dedicated to and specialized in a specific area of business or purpose. Then generate two apps in the project you just created. However, micro frontends are now well supported with Webpack 5 and Module Federation. This prototype shows the necessary steps to migrate your solution to a micro . Below are some of the problems we faced: With Control Center growing out day-by-day, it was high time we adopt Micro Frontends to scale. You can reach us directly at or you can also ask us on the But, the front end keeps on dangling for a boon there comes the Micro Frontend as a boon. "", "", "http://localhost/appone/dist/appone/main.js", Understanding and Solving the AWS Lambda Cold Start Problem, The Power of Zero-Knowledge Proofs: Exploring the New ConsenSys zkEVM, Authenticate With OpenID Connect and Apache APISIX, Achieving Micro-frontend Architecture Using Angular Elements. Leave us a comment below. If you are already familiar with the micro-frontend concept, then feel free to skip . Facebook uses this kind of architecture on its website (see post): As you can see in the picture above, the chat function and news feed are different main window components. This prototype shows the necessary steps to migrate your solution to a micro frontend architecture. As developers, we worry about how to provide quality features and performance while keeping good development practices and architecture in mind. Make a note of the Issuer and the Client ID. Open app-routing.module.ts in the shell project and update the routes array as shown below. As early adopters of this topic, we bring in our experience collected in numerous consulting projects during the last years. In this blog post, we discuss the importance of building a micro frontend using Angular elements and hosting it on Microsoft Azure, along with a technical demonstration of how we can create a micro-frontend using Angular. 11 Monitoring and Observability Tools for 2023, 6 Steps to your Angular-based Microfrontend Shell. Lets look at an example. So far, we've seen that Module Federation is a strightforward solution for creating Micro Frontends on top of Angular. This helps the content reach faster and closer to consumer regions. Published at DZone with permission of Tetiana Stoyko. Data Protectin. As its a shared code, regression testing is needed to make sure other departments functionality is not impacted and this makes the release process too slow. Open the projects/shell/webpack.config.js file for either the shell or mfe-basket application to see the overall structure. #2 --single-bundle true : bundle all the compiled files into a single JS file. Add the schematic by running the following command in the terminal: First, lets add the new micro frontend to the shell application by updating the configuration in projects/mfe-profile/webpack.config.js. First, create an Nx project:. It is more than just a frame-work. As consumers, we expect our web applications to be feature-rich and highly performant. However, when dealing with it, several additional questions come in mind: . We have a few ways to share data between different micro frontends. The product management prototype application is taken to build micro front end concepts using angular elements. In the fifth step, more parameters need to be applied to the standard commands. Following are some of the criteria considered while splitting Control Center into multiple MFEs: Separate Business Entity ( For example Pharmacy Delivery can be a separate business entity ), Rate of change & size parameters also played their part in decision-making. Nowadays, every business owner wishes to consolidate a huge assortment of services and deliver everything in one place for their users needs which leads to an increase in the application size due to the addition of numerous functionalities, modules, and pages which makes it challenging for multiple teams of developers to work on a project as several instances may arise where more than one team would be required to work on a single, module, page, or functionality. Through isolated code and supporting independent development, micro-frontends offer a lucrative solution to split the workload among different teams. Micro Frontend is a concept that considers a website or web application as a collection of features controlled by separate teams. However, the frontends which complement these Microservices are usually SPAs (Single Page Application) and are feature-rich and over time they become big frontend-monoliths. Single responsibility: Such an approach enables each team to build components with a single responsibility. Below is the Traditional / Existing Code structure that has different department-wise codes and is released independently and accessed via different URLs i.e / / The shell application serves on port 4200, and the mfe-basket application serves on port 4201. To share a library, you need to configure the library in the webpack.config.js. To build your component you have to run the following command: A dist folder is now created containing an HTML file and all the Javascript and CSS files. We have depicted a sample of Azure deployment architecture to build micro-frontends for better understanding. Join the DZone community and get the full member experience. Nothing happens when you click it, but were going to create a new remote, connect it to the host, and share the authenticated state here next! For instance, when you introduce a new feature, you do not have to worry about the entire application since all functionalities are independent. The architecture models the same concept as micro services - as a way to decompose monolithic front-end applications. However, it is important to keep in mind that the more web components with different technologies you have, the more dev teams youll need to maintain the code and deployment if you have CI/CD in your development process. In the end, youll have an app that looks like this: Theres a lot in this web app! Micro Frontend is a concept that considers a website or web application as a collection of features controlled by separate teams. After we generate the builds and hit refresh to http://localhost/9080/, we can see in the console, if we hit the button in the first web component, how the phoenix-wc-wiki-ngx-lt-bundle.js executes the function added as a listener. Step 1: Create Root / Wrapper Application, Step 3: Add Existing Apps in Angular Micro Frontends Architecture. This blog post revolves around Angular Micro Frontends and its benefits. We need to add the click handlers for the sign-in and sign-out buttons. That means it allows you to compose a page using different MFEs made by different teams. In the middle of the file, inside the plugins array, theres a property for remotes. We could wire up the micro frontend to only use a component instead of a module. Now youll be able to sign in and sign out. Update the code for Sign In and Sign Out buttons as shown. The number of users will not exceed much as we are catering only for internal Halodoc operators, App Shell loading MFE with build-time composition. Schema validation failed with the following errors:Data path .budgets[1].type should be equal to one of the allowed values. It is common to find that the tech stack you choose to solve one problem does not work to solve another. Each team is dedicated to and specialized in a specific area of business or purpose. Such a cross-functional team creates functionality from top to bottom, from server to user interface. // './Component': './projects/shell/src/app/app.component.ts', // important external libraries to share, "(isAuthenticated$ | async) === false; else logout", "flex items-center transition ease-in delay-150 duration-300 h-10 px-4 rounded-lg hover:border hover:border-sky-400", ./projects/mfe-profile/src/app/profile/profile.module.ts, // other Angular libraries remain in the config. Step 1: In the src/app/app.component.html for the project phoenix-wc-wiki-ngx, lets create a button with the function sendCustomEvent on click. the main goal of micro frontends is not to improve the performance of the loading of the page but to offer a different way to think and build applications. Edit the app.component.html file from the src/app folder and replace the existing with the following: You can start your application by running the following command at the project root level: So far, so good, but the following application is not yet a Web Component and we need to make some changes to transform it. He studied part-time IT and IT marketing in Graz and part-time computer science in Hagen and completed a four-semester training in the field of adult education. In the src/app/app.component.html for the project phoenix-wc-wiki-ngx, lets create a button with the function sendCustomEvent on click. So, your e-commerce site using micro frontends to decompose different functionality might look like this diagram, where the shopping cart and account features are in their separate routes within your Single Page Application (SPA): You might be saying, Micro frontends sound cool, but managing the different frontends and orchestrating state across the micro frontends also sounds complicated. Youre right. We explored the capabilities of micro frontends and shared state between micro frontends using Webpacks Module Federation in Angular. All department code is released through a change in only 1 departments code, All above department wise Sub-domain /separate URL is created (i.e / /, So the user needs to login to the specific department application, If the user wants to use another department application, he has to re-login in other departments URL. In the middle of the file, theres a property for plugins with commented-out code. The micro frontend in the starter code, mfeBasket, is already added to the remotes object. (Currently, there are 12 MFEs). Stop serving the application so were ready for the next step. Then well demonstrate sharing authenticated state between the different frontends, and deploy it all to a free cloud hosting provider. Luckily, Angular CLI took care of a lot of the scaffolding for us. Just change the ngDoBootstrap in the app.module.ts: ngDoBootstrap() {const strategyFactory = new ElementZoneStrategyFactory(AppComponent,this.injector); const eventsElement = createCustomElement(AppComponent, {injector: his.injector,strategyFactory}); customElements.define('phoenix-wc-wiki-ngx', eventsElement);}. All the desired applications must be registered here along with their path (same as router config file of Angular module). In the webpack.config.js for mfe-basket, youll see the path for @shared at the top of the file and the configuration to identify what to expose in the remote application. Although Micro frontends are usually thought of as a composition that happens in runtime, Bit lets developers efficiently compose frontends in build-time to enjoy the best of both worlds: the safety and robustness of "traditional monoliths" and the simplicity and scalability of micro frontends. The sign-in button doesnt work quite yet, but well get it going here next. // 2:30 pm - 6:30 pm CET (Berlin), 8:30 am - 12:30 pm Eastern Time = 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm CET. App Services are fully managed Azure-native PaaS offerings. But with a micro-frontend application, you can develop new features with the latest stack and deploy them independently. Angular/Angular micro frontend Tutorial (Adventures in Micro Frontend Part 2) | by Rohit Saxena | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end. hi @pterpmnta Reusability: You will be able to use code in multiple places. Clone the Angular Micro Frontend Example GitHub repo by following the steps below and open the repo in your favorite IDE. To continue, you need to have installed NodeJS (including npm) and the Angular CLI. And from the dist/ng-social-card folder, run the following command: Congratulations! Now youll have a chance to see how a micro-frontend remote connects to the host by creating a micro-frontend app that shows the authenticated users profile information. By Kenneth Brenes Angular and React are two of the most popular JavaScript tools for frontend development. Now, you should be able to run the project using npm run run:all, and the cupcake storefront should allow you to log in, see your profile, log out, and add items to your cupcake basket! You may want to use monorepo with independently deployable small packages using lerna or nx tools. Ernesto Rohrmoser,San Jos, Costa Rica, Address: Centro Empresarial Buro, Carrera 43B, Cl. Bacancy represents the connected world, offering innovative and customer-centric information technology experiences, enabling Enterprises, Associates and the Society to Rise. This approach of re-building the whole thing from scratch with new architecture, requires a lot time and effort. Your web application might have features developed by different teams and sometimes its better to release only certain features into production before delivering the entire web application. Softskills : - Autonome - Rigoureux - Communicant Try running the project using npm run run:all. How the Angular Micro frontend Architecture is different from Traditional architecture, 4. At Entando, we believe the future is composable and so using micro frontends will help to share business components across teams, companies, and communities to use them and build applications. But for Micro Frontend Architecture this is not required anymore i.e., Page 1 can be of Angular, Page 2 Code can be of C#, etc. Stop serving the project and run the following command in the terminal to create a new Angular application in the project: This part contains at least 2 components ready to be exported from this module:First of all, we need to create a new app and set up a custom angular builder (this builder allow us to use custom webpack configs), ``` ng new layout npm i --save-dev ngx-build-plus ```. Basically, the URL would be /labs but would have rendered index.html from labs S3 bucket. Using micro-frontend architecture, development teams can easily integrate, innovate, and iterate apps. You can use components from different web development frameworks (React, Vue, Angular, etc.). Now that we have the dispatcher, were going to add the listener to the web component phoenix-wc-wiki-ngx-lt. customEventListenerFunction(event) {console.log('testfunc - ' , vent.detail);}. Start the application again using ng serve and check that the application is still working. Micro Frontend Architecture. Opinions expressed by DZone contributors are their own. And, once we were confident, we proceeded to the next module and so on. Optional Remote Workshops: All of our trainings and consultations can also be booked as Remote Workshops! Ways to Implement the Micro Frontend Angular Architecture, 5. Manfred Steyer is a Google Developer Expert (GDE) for Angular and Tursted Collaborator in the Angular team. Lets add a web component input parameter so that we can get data from outside for the creation of the web component. Open projects/mfe-profile/webpack.config.js. Now that weve configured Okta in the application, we can add the code to sign in and sign out. It will add the redirect URIs you specified and grant access to the Everyone group. Each team is autonomous with separate frameworks and codebases, which lead to ambiguous browsers. The main flow is almost the same, we need to create a new app and install a custom builder for using custom webpack configs. Micro-frontend is a design approach in which app developers split the coding task into multiple frontend apps to ease the app development process. We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers. If youre just starting off with web components, the micro-frontends architecture with Angular helps to examine your enterprise UI/UX needs on a large scale to deliver quality, consistency, and greater user experience. This post is part one in a series where well build an e-commerce site using Angular and micro frontends. We welcome relevant and respectful comments. A wide variety of platform services are hosted on Azure including Microsoft Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), and Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS). Open projects/shell/src/app/app.component.html and find the routerLink for the Profile button. Maybe your company is big enough to have different dev teams, each with a unique knowledge and focus on specific technologies. Introduction Note - Another option I could have used for the starter is a Nx workspace. To run it, you can install serve through npm to start a lightweight web server. *To check if the installation was successful, go to the angular.json and check the property builder under architect build, should be builder: ngx-build-plus:browser. As projects get bigger and bigger it is very difficult to maintain and collaborate these projects. Prolongacin Amricas 1612, Sixth Floor ), Col. Country Club, Guadalajara, Jalisco 4461, Mxico, Info hub | Press Box | End-to-End Solutions | Careers | Contact usGorilla Labs | Agile Teams vs Staff Augmentation | The Nearshoring Solution | Tour our development center, Gorilla Logic uses cookies on the website. The Need for Angular Micro Frontends Architecture, 3. For example, your team can have the flexibility and time to test newer versions of the same stack. So what does the micro-frontend architecture look like? ``` ng new registerPage npm i --save-dev ngx-build-plus ```, After that, we need to create webpack.config.js and Step 1: Just change the ngDoBootstrap in the app.module.ts: To conclude, the micro frontend architecture allows companies to give their dev teams absolute control over their knowledge, the freedom to mix different technologies by taking advantage of the strengths of each framework to solve different problems, and allows for the reuse of web components in multiple applications. Micro frontends with Angular Micro frontends basics and implementation with Angular Rating: 2.7 out of 52.7(82 ratings) 462 students Created byJaideep Rajput Last updated 12/2020 English What you'll learn Designing and implementing Micro frontends using Angular 11 Step 1: Install Angular Cli npm install -g @angular/cli Step 2: Create a new project ( {project-name}-wc-feature) ng new phoenix-wc-wiki-ngx When the terminal asks us, "Would you like to add Angular routing?" we choose "No." Step 3: Add the @angular/elements and ngx-build-plus ng add @angular/elements ng add ngx-build-plus ng generate @nrwl/angular:application --name=dashboard ng generate @nrwl/angular:application . Also, we need to change the default builder to ngx-build-plus and add webpack configs into the angular JSON file (the same as we did for the Header & Footer module before). We've also partnered with Indonesia's largest lab provider to provide lab home services, and to top it off we have recently launched a premium appointment service that partners with 500+ hospitals that allow patients to book a doctor appointment inside our application. Lets continue building the site by reading Secure and Deploy Micro Frontends with Angular! In the end, this blog intends to help you decide why choosing Micro Frontend Angular is the key to your organizations success. We added Okta into the shell application, but now we need to turn the mfe-profile application into a micro frontend and share the authenticated state. All these departments need some changes to the application on daily basis i.e to add new features and maintenance etc. When we develop micro frontend architecture, we are faced with two kinds of routing: external in the shell and internal in particular apps. To split the workload among different teams place where coders share, up-to-date... 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